Valderrama Rios Olga Giovanna
Antero V. Rosadio Street 148, LIME, CANYON, PATIVILCA
Research Interests:
Cholesterol, Lifestyle, metabolic syndrome
Graduate in Nursing. Master in Public Health with a mention in Hospital Management from the National University Federico Villarreal. Doctor in Nursing, academic degree awarded by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Frames. Nurse Specialist in Neonatal Intensive Care from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. External Evaluator in Higher University Education Certified in Professional Competencies by the System National Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality (SINEACE). Qualified researcher the National Scientific, Technological and Technological Innovation Registry (RENACYT). University Professor. Advisor Pre and Postgraduate theses. Member of NANDA International. Volunteer of the Peruvian League to Fight Against Diabetes. Executive Editor of Review/Systematic Articles of the Scientific Research and Innovation Magazine of the School of Nursing of the Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University of Tacna. Member of the Committee of Contentious and Administrative Matters of the Regional Council III CEP - Metropolitan Lima. Committee Member Scientist of the Amazonian Journal of Environmental and Ecological Sciences of the National University of San Martin. Member of the Editorial Committee of the Scientific Journal Care and Public Health.
- Nutritional educational program on cardiometabolic risk factors in university teachers
- Teleworking in the Covid-19 context and its impact on the health of university teachers
- Consumption of natural products and their effects on Covid-19, Barranca district