Achile Peguy Tonfack, Tekounegning Claudine Tiogué, Nsangou Amidou Kpoumie, Ferdinand Ngoula, kameni Patricia Linda Djikengoue, Tameghe Flora Mambe, Salifou Njouokou, Ewoukem Thomas Efole, Joseph Tchoumboue, Survival Rate and Growth Performances on Pre-Grossing of the African Cyprinidae LabeobarbusBatesii (Boulenger, 1903) According to the Level of Dietary Protein, International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 22-33, ISSN 2691-6622, (https://oap-lifescience.orgijar/article/1492) Keywords: Labeobarbusbatesii; pre-grossing; protein level; survival rate; growth performances.